Vicky van der Walt
Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Teacher l Therapeutic Yoga Teacher l Bodyworker
Following major pelvic floor reconstruction surgery, I was encouraged to never do a sit up, plank, push up or even jog ever again. Finding myself in severe pain, I resorted to seeing a women's health physiotherapist. The physiotherapist was a light in my life and encouraged me to join their Yoga/Physio classes. It was a slow and painful start, but with time and dedicated practice, I regained my physical strength, in addition to a multitude of other benefits. Before I knew, Yoga became part of my everyday life.
Roughly one year later, over the school holidays, my neighbour's daughter minded my little girls.
Finding myself alone, I felt an overwhelming urge to do Yoga. I followed it. There was a pain in my upper back that had been there for years. I intuitively decided to work out what the root cause of it was (this is before I even knew emotions are stored in the body). Moving and breathing into my body I began having an inner conversation to this pain. In the moment I realised that I had been putting everyone first, at the detriment of my own health and happiness. I put my hands in prayer and promised my higher self that I would stop this. That I would take time for myself. That I would love myself.
Within that moment, the pain in my back released in an abrupt explosion, in a matter of seconds I felt myself feeling light headed and had to lie down. The pain was gone, the emotion stored in my body had been completely released. I felt so light, so calm, completely at peace. That was the first time that I realised the power, truth and wisdom of Yoga.
My journey in search of truth had begun. And what a divine blessing it is.
In the light of love,
Vicky van der Walt

To open and expand my heart to all. To deepen my connection to Source so I can deliver healing practices and contribute to a world filled with kindness and compassion.
To create a space of healing and spiritual advancement. To teach seekers of truth how to connect deeply within and find their own answers to bring forth love of Self and others. To walk the path to supreme enlightenment.